Cryptid Wiki
Cryptid Wiki

Kjewart13 Kjewart13 8 January 2015

Why Can't Cryptozoology be a job?

Now comes the question that us fellow "cryptozoologists" often wonder. Why can't it be a job? Every science has a question, some sort of unknown that has to be found, and quite evidently cryptozoology has the question that asks "What exists out there?" I think it can be a solid career, we've only explored 5% of the ocean and about 75% of land. So there's a good chance that Cryptids exist, maybe there's life in another galaxy. The question still remains, why can't it be a job?

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Kjewart13 Kjewart13 11 June 2014

Big news!

I am going to leave this summer for about six weeks to do investigations in Tennessee, in Bristol. If I am able to get worthy footage, I'll post them. This is going to be huge. If I'm successful, I may actually add new cryptids to the wikia. So everyone, I may die, I am investigating aggressive creatures. This is going to be awesome. Wish me the best luck for the site! Including the world. For the wikia. I better go to bed. Thanks.


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Kjewart13 Kjewart13 11 June 2014

Found new cryptids, took pictures

So I was outside letting my dog do his business when I heard noise, I had the feeling something was watching me. So I took pictures aimed at the woods on my right and saw disturbing Photos. They weren't near the woods, they were next to my house. I need help to identify and name. I am creeped out and amazed.

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Kjewart13 Kjewart13 17 May 2014

Thank you!

Hello all admins out there. I'd like to thank Afifbrika, and Australopithecusman for lifting my ban. As for that I give them a great thanks. Now I wonder what would be the best way to contribute to the wiki?

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Kjewart13 Kjewart13 26 April 2014

The bush man

So let's talk about the one and only...The Bush Man! So tell me, what are your thoughts, conclusions, and how cool you think the cryptid is. My thoughts are amazing, and I think it's an isolated species,Dinovisian. Now remember that they have been seen from the Appalachian mountains, to Florida, and up to green land, so there are many possibilities. Thanks.

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